About SPW Group

South Pacific Welding Group Pty Ltd was formed in early 2003 bringing together a number of welding supply warehouses that have a combined service history of over 70 years.

We specialise in welding which includes equipment, consumables, service, second hand and hire. The group includes Western Welding Services (WA), Townsville Welding Supplies, Norstate Gas, Independent Welding Supplies (QLD), The Weld Spot (Victoria), Allweld (NSW), Totalweld (NT) and Southern Cross Industrial Supplies (NSW, ACT and SA). Our businesses are able to deliver a national specialised welding supply chain. Each of our trading companies have retained their locations, staff expertise and customer service levels whilst combining buying power and marketing initiatives. At SPW we will continue to deliver exceptional service and a comprehensive range of welding products in every location.


Recently, South Pacific Welding Group has used this experience and expertise in a number of signature projects such as:

  • Desalination plant pipeline with PLJV in Victoria
  • Westgate Bridge Upgrade WGBSA Victoria
  • Pluto and Gorgon in the Pilbara region
  • LNG construction projects in Papua New Guinea
  • Warfare Destroyers in SA & Tas